CIL Combat
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Order Attacks - The Main Body, Left Flank and Right Flank are assigned their attack types by highlighting desired units and ordering them to perform one of the following attacks:
-Attack - Normal Combat Phase for the selected units. All units ordered to Attack lose 5% Effectiveness during the Resolution Phase.
-Assault - Normal Combat Phase for the selected units followed by an Assault Combat Phase for the selected units. All units ordered to Attack lose 5% Effectiveness during the Resolution Phase and 7% Effectiveness during the Assault Resolution Phase.
-Probe - Normal Combat Phase for the selected units. All units ordered to Probe lose 3% Effectiveness during the Resolution Phase. All casualties caused and taken by this attack are halved.
-Dig In - No Combat Phase for the selected units. The selected units suffer an Attack -1 penalty and Defense +1 bonus.

Any units not involved in combat (Either ordered to Attack, Assault, Probe or Dig In or themselves attacked) can be moved from Flank to Reserve, Main Body to Reserve, Reserve to Main Body or Reserve to Flank at the cost of 5% effectiveness. Units cannot be moved to any location that is OVERRUN.

Any units not ordered to move or engage or themselves engaged gain 3% effectiveness.

Each COMBAT PHASE is considered an engagement. There are allowed 5 engagements per day during the summer, 4 engagements per day during the spring and fall and 3 engagements per day during the winter.

Determine hits for the Attacker - Randomly generate a number from 1-10 and subtract this number from a unit's Attack value. If the result is positive, than record a hit and randomly generate another number from 1-10 and subtract this number from a unit's adjusted Attack value (The new value after the first subtraction). If the result is positive, record another hit. Continue until the result is negative or zero and then move on to the next unit.
**Mixed Forces**
In the event of a combined attack, such as armor and infantry or submarine and naval, attack type is determined by an Effectiveness Ratio, explained later

Determine Hits for the Defender - Follow the same process for any opposing units that have been ordered to Attack, Assault, Defend or Probe.

Determine Absorption - For any units with a Defense value, follow the same procedure as for determining hits except using their Defense value instead of their Attack value and resulting in absorption instead of hits.

Apply Hits - Randomly apply hits to any units that have been ordered to Attack, Assault, Defend or Probe. Any hit assigned to a unit with absorption is nullified (With a concurrent nullification of one point of absorption). Remove any units that are reduced to 0 strength.

Apply Excess Hits - If no units remain and there are still hits to be applied, apply these hits to units that were not ordered to Attack, Assault, Probe or Defend but reside in the targeted location (Main Body, Left Flank, Right Flank). If a location is emptied of units, disregard remaining hits.

Duplicate the original combat phase. However, if at any time a location is emptied of units, that location is considered to be OVERRUN and any excess hits can be applied to an adjacent location WITH NO RESPONSE. Valid adjacent locations are:
For an OVERRUN flank: The Main Body or the Reserve.
For an OVERRUN main body: Either Flank or the Reserve.

This only applies to excess hits from the attack which results in the OVERRUN location, all subsequent attacks are treated as normal, except insofar as the reserve is not able to Attack, Assault, Probe or Dig In.

Track casualties, as they will be mitigated at the end of each engagement and battle in the form of POWs and Minor Wounded.

Early Combat

Combat Concept

Cast Iron Life is an Oilbased game